Thursday, June 23, 2011

Does Toothpaste Get Rid of Pimples?

The answer to this question is: it depends. Some toothpastes contain ingredients that can help get rid of pimples, while others have not, and in some cases they can actually irritate the skin. since there are many other acne remedies available, toothpaste should really only be considered as a last resort. It also generally requires treatment to work effectively at night, do not depend on the toothpaste to emerging crises zit.

If you want to use toothpaste to get rid of the buttons to find a real toothpaste, not gel, and if you can, find one with minimal additives. natural and organic toothpastes are a good bet because they usually have a short list of ingredients. apply a thin layer at the location in question acne, leave it on overnight and rinse in the morning. your mileage may vary, depending on the toothpaste, skin type, and the button.

If you want to get rid of the buttons, there are a number of home remedies as well as the counter medications that can help if you have a serious matter, which has developed in acne, visit a doctor for stronger medications. Avoid popping buttons, no matter how tempting it is because you can actually make the situation worse by causing a deep infection. if a button gets really hard for you, head to a cosmetician who specializes in the extraction, he or she has received special training in the treatment of pimples, blackheads and other imperfections. a dermatologist may also be willing to pop for you.

Some home remedies to get rid of pimples include aspirin, which can be ground into a paste with water and applied overnight, and applications of lime juice or lemon and potato wedges. over the counter medications can also be used to target hot spots.more importantly, keep your face clean and free of grease, water and use moisturizers based on your skin care to help prevent the development of the buttons first.

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